This whole website is fake ,I have applied for phone and they didn’t do any verification and when I call to customer care they keep my call on hold and never return back . They are just making fool of peopleBe careful...read more
Dear sir , I have ordered a Samsung Grand on April 22nd 2014 and my order number is LBM20058352.Unfortunately my order was declined on April 29th 2014 . And I received a message that your application is not approved .When I asked for the refund to the company they start ignoring my mails and not responding to me ....read more
I have ordered my phone on EMI and they rejected my application and said it is not approved and send me wrist watch instead of paying me the deposited amount. I offenly requested to the company for refund and as per their policy if application is rejected or cancelled before 5days of booking you will get the money back. I have cancelled my order also before 5days and still not getting my refund.Please help...read more
I have ordered micromax phone through this company on June14th 2014 and my ID is 14068183. They charged Rs 999 as application fee on June 24th and dropped me a text that my application is not approved .So I am requesting to them for refund and they are not at all responding me. My SBI transaction ref no is IGV5699728 on June14th 2014...read more
Property Chacha, PropertyChacha.com
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Mr. Shanthi Swaroup Satija ( Director in Satija Builders & Financers Limited.) was a BIG FRAUD & Cheater. I was working as a Freelancer there. During a GLORY MEADOWS Deal with my client, he agreed to give 4% discount as a credit note but after receving payment from my client, he just refused to pay the amount. He had done this type of fraud with many customers as well as there employees. He has lots of company registsred under it and keep making fraud & cheat to customer using all those company. i see the list of all victim by Mr. satija and i am shocked. Be aware EVERY ON...read more
Property Chacha, PropertyChacha.com
Had booked a plot/flats in various projects by property chacha - RESIDENTIAL PLOTS, Jaipur through their authorised broker/agent M/S Property Chacha (Propertychacha.com) Owner is Shanthi Swaroup Satija. My biggest mistake i didnt do study on internet before buy about thi...read more
Clear Trip
I am Subburaj , have booked train tickets from Madurai to Chennai , Panidan Express for July 20th. Tickets fare will include all the service charges of rs 457 are debited from my account and still my ticket is not booked. My transaction details are per my bank statement CCABF1WVD219IGV1992285 TRANSFER TO 30993845637 AVENUES INDIA PRIVATE. I already request you to reimburse it soon. My id is subburaj16061972@gmail.com
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E-Bay, Online Shopping
Hi, I am Nilesh Jha , My complaint is against E-bay against the order confirmation Paisa Pay ID 36350894050. There is a policy in E-bay that if they wont be able to deliver the product within 5 days of payment they will get back the money. I am keep reminding you for the same and you guys are not responding. Let me know when can I get my money back else I will take some legal step against e-bay.
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I have bought a dell laptop and it has been only 3 months approx. My laptop battery is not working properly and also complained at customer care against the same. They are not taking any step to resolve it even unnecessary they are blaming on me that it’s because of window 8. This is such a stupid reason given by them. I am not at all satisfied with their services
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Idea Celluar limited
From the last 20 days, I am getting unwanted miss calls from number 8124406743. When I called back on the same number he asked me for my identity or address etc. and not disclosing his own identity. I have already lodged a complaint against this number and hope idea company should take care of this matter.
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NOKIA, Mobile Services, Bina Electronics
I have bought NOKIA 105 phone on 15.12.2013 from Bina Electronics, Kolkata and my number is 9874031294,IMEI NO. 358965050197385. This phone was found defective and I asked retailer to replace that set, he refused me and said it is not been replaced or non repairable phone. After that I went to NOKIA care center and they suggest me to replace this phone from retailer and retailer denied me to replace it on 9.5.2014 and my complaint number is 1-15124317561. Till now I have not received any call from retailer whether he will replace the phone or not. Let me know what should I do ?
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I have booked my tickets from GOIBIBO.com and it has been more than 40 days I canceled my tickets.Till now I have not received any amount credited into my account. My booking ID is TUALWXKZO
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Airtel, Broadband
I have applied for the broadband connection from airtel on 26/5/2014 and already paid Rs 2100. I have completed all the formalities related to documents and payment and assured from airtel that they will provide me connection within 3 days and till now I didn’t get any connection nor they are responding. They are just checking the feasibility. Here is my complaint number SR 46465430 and land line no.0422 4337237. They collect the money within 10 minutes and when its times to give the services they are just giving excuses.
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NAAPTOL,Online Shopping
I have ordered a product more than 4 months they have still not give my product and every time I call they say we will call back in 24 hrs but I don’t get a call. I have taken 1010/- from me and cheating me on the refund. This site should be closed down because there are many who are cheated by NAAPTOL.
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Airtel India
I have recharged an amount of Rs 399 mistakenly to another number instead of my number. Kindly resolve this issue ASAP. My contact number is 9829018557 and I have recharged this number 9829018857 wrongly
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I have bought new SAMSUNG LCD TV 2.8 yrs back for Rs 30,000 and from the last 6 months there was no picture & sound .When I called customer care they send their technician and gave me bill of Rs 11000 and told me that there was some panel problem in your TV. I am not satisfied with there team as they are charging too much from customer for small technical problem. Is anybody tell me how will I take legal action against them Tushar 9958147170
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I am from kerela and bought reliance conncetion 5gb with the plan of Rs 1499 .This plan is for 3g connection and can be used anywhere in india. My complaint is that it is not working since I bought it and I try to resolve this issue with customer care via phone or mail and they are not responding me from last month and charging me extensively. My phone number is 902032320
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Eureka Forbes
I am Arindam and bought RO water purifier from Eureka Forbes .they have promised me to provide first 3 services during the first year and it has been 11 months now and they are not responding to me .i have submitted a complaint against them under Complaint # – 1791C58609 on May 5th 2014. Till now no one shown up. They are worst service provider .Anyone can suggest me how I can file a consumer complaint against them .
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Bajaj Capital
I have taken Health insurance policy from bajaj capital last month but they have not sent me my documents till now. They are not responding to my calls or mails. This is really very disappointed and worst service by them
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Symphony Coolers
I have bought a cooler two months back and its under 1 year warranty . Suddenly its fan has stopped working and I have already submitted my complaint to the customer care and they are just ignoring my calls neither they are sending any of his technical person for the services. What should I do now?
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