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Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor ...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD ...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is ...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Government Approved Valuers Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Mumbai,Pune,Delhi,India

Latest Companies

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Worst Rating

Symphony Coolers : Not satisfi...

I have bought a cooler two months back and its under 1 year ...
Rakesh Jain on

fake Builder project...

Bigbull Ashiana Project (Big Bull Infrastucture Ltd) is fake...
Sunny on


Sir Your company is being highly reputed finance co. After ...
Hitesh Joshi on

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

Latest News

Builder told to compensate flat buyers for delivery delay

BANGALORE: The Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commi...
Added On:2013-06-18

Facebook admits year-long data breach exposed 6 million users

SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook Inc has inadvertently exposed 6 million u...
Added On:2013-06-18

Forum orders builder to pay 80k to complainant

MARGAO: The South Goa district consumer disputes redressal forum ...
Added On:2013-06-18

Refund Request for Invested money in Shanthi City from

SHANTI SWAROOP SATIJA, Property Chacha,, Satija Builders & Financers Limited

Surrindra Mehta on 2013-11-08

Invested with M/s mr.shanti swaroop satija owner of (property chacha), new delhi , on 21 March 2012 For a residential plot measuring 150 sq.yds in their proposed Shanthi City powered by property chacha at Haridwar by way of two cheques of rs.75,000/- each But since their project did not meet the govt’s approval inspite of their various Letters from time to time informing us of the Bhoomi Pujan ceremony To be held in the intervening period , we observed that they did not get The neceassry approvals to start the project and ,therefore, in December 2012 We asked property chacha to cancel our booking and return our instalments paid thus far Amounting to rs.1,50,000/- . Called me to advise To delay encashment of the cheque due to paucity of funds in their bank acct. Subsequently, I wrote to them regarding the same and when I did not get any response from them, I went to their above office on 19july2013 and met mr.shanti swaroop satija owner of They assured me and then gave me a letter in writing stating that the payment would be made by 31st July2013. Again on no information from them regarding the new cheque from them. I am mental harass with him. I keep run to their office and every time i got fake commitment. eat my money and i keep run for this and just i feel that mr. satija will not give money. I would like to request to involve in my matter and get out my money from the i see now thousand abuse for and mr satija on internet and meet some people too and jaipur police case and i am in fear with this because he never gave money back to any one. hope i got support form you.

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