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Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor ...

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This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
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Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
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Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
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Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
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Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

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LIST of few VICTIM of Shanthi SwaroupSatija (Owner of Property Chacha,, Property Mantra)

Property Chacha ( Property Mantra

Rajshree Jaipur on 2013-12-07

Hello All, Mr. Shanthi Swaroup Satija owner of all these companies during the business of Property Running the fallowing Company”s 1. Property Chacha.Com 2. Satija Builders & Financiers Limited 3. Shanthi Infomedia Limited (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 4. Unimax Property Hub (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 5. Property Digest (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 6. SMART BUSINESS CLUB (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 7. UNIMAX INSTITUTE (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 8. UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 9. Naukri (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 10. Earning (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 11. Complaints (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) 12. SimplyUsefulAds. (A unit of Satija Builders & Financiers Limited) As per record of Registrar of Companies M/S Satija Builders & Financiers Limited was in Liquidation & was not operational upto 2011.Now Shanthi Swaroop Satija has re-started, the same Game to extract money from various Clients/ individual in the name of Temporary Loan/Deposits for the Business/Transactions of different properties in Delhi-NCR.By sowing his Face on TV show kown as Property Mantra on DILLI AAJ TAK which is sponsored by PROPERTYCHACHA.COM. For the purpose of knowledge of a LIST of few VICTIM of Shanthi SwaroupSatija (Owner of Property Chacha,, Property Mantra) is displayed below: The Complete Details Temporary Loan/Deposits for the Business/Transactions of different properties in Delhi-NCR. Date Name of Depositor Amount Cash/Cheque Payments Received by (03.05.2011 - Mr.Lalit Sharma - Rs.60,000/- Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (23.05.2011 - Mr.Suresh Pandit - Rs.85,000/- - cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (27.05.2011 - Mr.Ghanshaym Singh - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (16.6.2011 - Mr.Singh - Rs.1,50,000/- - cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (29.6.2011 - Mr.Sachdeva - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (16.7.2011 - Mr.Vinod - Rs. 1,50,000/- - cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (22.07.2011 - Smt. Chitra Gupta - Rs.2,40,000/-cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), ,UNIMAX PROPERTYHUB), (25.07.2011 - Rajni Dawer - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheques - Property Digest), (22.08.2011 - Baldev Lal Sharma - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.09.2011 - Mr.Amit Gupta - Rs.40,000/- - Cash - PROPERTY Digest), (05.09.2011 - Mr. Karan Jha - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.09.2011 - Mr. Karan Jha - Rs.1,00,000/- - Cash - SMART INFOMEDIA), (14.09.2011 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.1,25,000/- - cheque - SMART REPORTER), (14.09.2011 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.1,25,000/- - Cash - SMART REPORTER), (23.09.2011 - Vasudha Lakhna - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - SMART REPORTER), (23.09.2011 - Renu Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - PROPERTY Digest), (23.09.2011 - Ms. Gaisu Lakhna - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheauue - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.10.2011 - Anita Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (05.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (11.10.2011 - Mahindra Kumar Gupta - Rs.12,50,000/- - Cheque + Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), (20.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (20.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - PROPERTY DIGEST), (29.10.2011 - Harish Kumar - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (3.11.2011 - Bhawna Arora - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (03.11.2011 - Deepak Verma - Rs.1,00,000 - Cash - Shanthi Swaroup Satija), 04.11.2011 - Ayesha Gupta - Rs.3,50,000/- - Cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (15.11.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (13.12.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.3,50,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (15.12.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (11-01-2012 - Puneet Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (11-01-2012 - Bimla Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - PROPERTY Digest), (11-01-2012 - Sh. Harish Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART REPORTER), (07.02.2012 - M.K. Gupta - Rs.06,00,000/- - Cash - SMART INFOMEDIA), (18.02.2012 - Mr.R.P.Bagri - Rs.6,50,000/- - Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (29.02.2012 - Sh. Deepak Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (12/03/2012 - Sh. Tirlok Singh - Rs.51,000/-Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (15/03/2012 - Sh. R.C. Maitani & Smt. Shaili Devi Maitani - Rs.51,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (16/03/2012 - Smt. Anita Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (21/03/2012 - Sh. Deepak Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), 21/03/2012 - Smt. Shaili Devi Maitani - Rs.1,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (23.03.2012 - Vipul Khattar - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), (03.05.2012 - Anita Verma - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (05.05.2012 - Jyoti Sandhu - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (16.05.2012 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), (05.06.2012 - Mr.T.Tandan - Rs.5,00,000/- - cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (17.08.2012 - Mr.Singh - Rs. 30,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (18.08.2012 - Mr.Singhla - Rs.10,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (27/08/2012 - Shri S.P. Nagia - Rs.10,00,000/- - Cash &Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (25.09.2012 - Anil Kumar Sharma - Rs.11,00,000/- - Cash+Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (17/10/2012 - Smt. Geetika Bansal - Rs.3,80,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (19/10/2012 - Sh. Mohinder Singh - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - SHANTI SWAROUP SATIJA), (08/11/2012 - Smt. Sushma - Rs.6,00,000/- - Cash &Cheque - SHANTI SWAROUP SATIJA), (17/11/2012 - Mr. Sandeep Sawhney - Rs.5,50,000/- - Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (23/11/2012 - Mr. Sunil Agrawala - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (06.03.2013 - Achhru Ram - Rs.12,00,000/- - cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (03.05.2011 - Mr.Lalit Sharma - Rs.60,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (23.05.2011 - Mr.Suresh Pandit - Rs.85,000/- - cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (27.05.2011 - Mr.Ghanshaym Singh - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (16.6.2011 - Mr.Singh - Rs.1,50,000/- - cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (29.6.2011 - Mr.Sachdeva - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (16.7.2011 - Mr.Vinod - Rs. 1,50,000/- - cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (22.07.2011 - Smt. Chitra Gupta - Rs.2,40,000/- - cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), and UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (25.07.2011 - Rajni Dawer - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheques - Property Digest), (22.08.2011 - Baldev Lal Sharma - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.09.2011 - Mr.Amit Gupta - Rs.40,000/- - Cash - PROPERTY Digest), (05.09.2011 - Mr. Karan Jha - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.09.2011 - Mr. Karan Jha - Rs.1,00,000/- - Cash - SMART INFOMEDIA), (14.09.2011 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.1,25,000/- - cheque - SMART REPORTER), (14.09.2011 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.1,25,000/- - Cash - SMART REPORTER), (23.09.2011 - Vasudha Lakhna - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - SMART REPORTER), (23.09.2011 - Renu Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - PROPERTY Digest), (23.09.2011 - Ms. Gaisu Lakhna - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheauue - SMART INFOMEDIA), (05.10.2011 - Anita Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (05.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (11.10.2011 - Mahindra Kumar Gupta - Rs.12,50,000/- - Cheque + Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), (20.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (20.10.2011 - Subhash Chander Verma - Rs.1,00,000/- - cheque - PROPERTY Digest), (29.10.2011 - Harish Kumar - Rs.2,00,000/- - cheque - . UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (3.11.2011 - Bhawna Arora - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (03.11.2011 - Deepak Verma - Rs.1,00,000 - Cash - Shanthi Swaroup Satija), (04.11.2011 - Ayesha Gupta - Rs.3,50,000/- - Cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (15.11.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (13.12.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.3,50,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (15.12.2011 - Ms. Bhawna Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART INFOMEDIA), (11-01-2012 - Puneet Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - SATIJA BUILDERS & FINANCIERS LIMITED (11-01-2012 - Bimla Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - PROPERTY Digest), (11-01-2012 - Sh. Harish Arora - Rs.4,00,000/- - Cheque - SMART REPORTER), (07.02.2012 - M.K. Gupta - Rs.06,00,000/- - Cash - SMART INFOMEDIA), (18.02.2012 - Mr.R.P.Bagri - Rs.6,50,000/- - Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (29.02.2012 - Sh. Deepak Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - SATIJA BUILDERS & FINANCIERS LIMITED (12/03/2012 - Sh. Tirlok Singh - Rs.51,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (15/03/2012 - Sh. R.C. Maitani & Smt. Shaili Devi Maitani Rs.51,000/- Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (16/03/2012 - Smt. Anita Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (21/03/2012 - Sh. Deepak Verma - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (21/03/2012 - Smt. Shaili Devi Maitani - Rs.1,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (23.03.2012 - Vipul Khattar - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), office (04.04.2012 - Shri Rohit Wadhwa - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (17.04.2012 - Mr. Ashish Koushal - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cash - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (03.05.2012 - Anita Verma - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - Unimax Property HUB), (05.05.2012 - Jyoti Sandhu - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (16.05.2012 - Ms. Anisha Koushal - Rs.2,50,000/- - Cash - Smart INFOMEDIA), (05.06.2012 - Mr.T.Tandan - Rs.5,00,000/- - cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (17.08.2012 - Mr.Singh - Rs. 30,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (18.08.2012 - Mr.Singhla - Rs.10,00,000/- - Cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (27/08/2012 - Shri S.P. Nagia - Rs.10,00,000/- - Cash &Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (25.09.2012 - Anil Kumar Sharma - Rs.11,00,000/- - Cash+Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (17/10/2012 - Smt. Geetika Bansal - Rs.3,80,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (19/10/2012 - Sh. Mohinder Singh - Rs.2,00,000/- - Cheque - SHANTI SWAROUP SATIJA), (08/11/2012 -Smt. Sushma - Rs.6,00,000/- - Cash & Cheque - SHANTI SWAROUP SATIJA), (17/11/2012 -Mr. Sandeep Sawhney - Rs.5,50,000/- - Cheque - UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB), (23/11/2012-Mr. Sunil Agrawala - Rs.3,00,000/- - Cheque - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd), (06.03.2013 - Achhru Ram - Rs.12,00,000/- - cash - Satija Builders & Financiers Ltd) Be aware when you going to invest MONEY with SHANTI SWAROUP SATIJA OWNER OF Property Chacha.Com, Satija Builders & Financiers Limited, Shanthi Infomedia Limited,Unimax Property Hub , Property Digest , SMART BUSINESS CLUB,UNIMAX INSTITUTE, UNIMAX PROPERTY HUB, Naukri , Earning , Complaints , SimplyUsefulAds because all the ABOVE VICTIM is waiting for money back.

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