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Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor ...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD ...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is ...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Government Approved Valuers Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Mumbai,Pune,Delhi,India

Latest Companies

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Worst Rating

Symphony Coolers : Not satisfi...

I have bought a cooler two months back and its under 1 year ...
Rakesh Jain on

fake Builder project...

Bigbull Ashiana Project (Big Bull Infrastucture Ltd) is fake...
Sunny on


Sir Your company is being highly reputed finance co. After ...
Hitesh Joshi on

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

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Builder told to compensate flat buyers for delivery delay

BANGALORE: The Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commi...
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Facebook admits year-long data breach exposed 6 million users

SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook Inc has inadvertently exposed 6 million u...
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Forum orders builder to pay 80k to complainant

MARGAO: The South Goa district consumer disputes redressal forum ...
Added On:2013-06-18

HISTORY OF BOUNCED CHEQUES by Shanti Swaroop Satija Prop. owner Satija Builders & Financers Limited

SHANTI SWAROOP SATIJA, Property Chacha,, Satija Builders & Financers Limited

S. V. on 2013-10-11

Hello all just for your information. I got cheated by Shanti Swaroop Satija and he has created a biggest history of collecting money, issuing POST DATED CHEQUES likes GOVERNER OF BANK with receipts and Affidavits by taking full responsibility for clearance/credit of all your cheques on date but more than 80% of your PDC,S BOUNCED ON PRESENTING IN BANK. Despite repeated reminders, you are least bothered to pay the amount. You know the punishment as per law for bouncing of one cheque BUT YOU ARE LEAST BOTHERED ON BOUNCING OF YOUR MORE THAN 110 CHEQUES issued to us against FD amount taken from us by A/C payee cheques. Statement of your Bounced cheques is given below : Sr Amount taken From Cheque PDC issued PDC PDC BOUNCED Bounced cheques No by you Rs No &Date by you encashed Nos Amount 1. Six Lac S C Verma 594556 19.10.11 12 monthly 3 9 9x77000= Rs703000/- One Lac S C Verma 594555 18.10.11 21.11.11to21.10.12 2. Four Lac S C Verma 594561 20.10.11 22Nov11to22Oct12 3 9 9x44000 = 396000/- 3. One Lac S C Verma 594560 20.10.11 22Nov11 to 22Oct,12 5 7 7x11000= 77000/- 4. One Lac S C Verma 594563 27.10.11 27Nov11 to27Oct12 6 6 6x11000= 66000/- 5. One Lac S C Verma 153758 14.10.11 15Nov11 to 15Oct12 8 4 4x22000 = 88000/- One Lac S C Verma 153759 15.10.11 ------ 6. One Lac S C Verma 153755 23.09.11 23Oct11to 23Sept12 4 8 8x10000 = 80000/- 7. Two Lac S C Verma 117805 06.10.11 6Nov11 to 6Oct12 6 6 6x20000/- 120000/- 8. Two Lac S C Verma 153757 11.10.11 11Nov to 11Oct12 6 6 6x20000/- = 120000/- 9. One Lac S C Verma 594557 10 Three Lac S C Verma 009326 19.01.12 19Jan12 to19Dec12 3 9 9x33000 = 297000/- 11. Two Lac S C Verma 153775 29.02.12 12 to16 Anita Verma 17 35 17 to20 Deepak Verma 21 33 ---------------- 132 Cheques bounced due to insufficient funds in your Bank A/C,S On your request,I gaveyou back your 10 bounced ch & you gave one of total amount which also bounced on due date. On 01.12.2012 ,, 22 ,, three ,, On 08.08.12 ,, 07 ,, one ,, On 26.01.13 ,, 49 ,, 20 This is for your information to represent to all. So please be care before investing your valuable money with

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