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Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor ...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD ...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is ...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Government Approved Valuers Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Mumbai,Pune,Delhi,India

Latest Companies

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - Expor...

Post katne se kuch karne se kuch nahi hoga ham log sath me m...
Snjaykumarbais on 2024-07-05

Iw Websolution Pvt Ltd - FRAUD...

This company IW Web solutions is a total fraud company. They...
Jyoti74 on 2024-07-05

Dominos Pizza - Cleanliness is...

Respected Sir, I am a resident of Dehradun and had a chan...
Hclmypc1 on 2024-07-05

Worst Rating

Symphony Coolers : Not satisfi...

I have bought a cooler two months back and its under 1 year ...
Rakesh Jain on

fake Builder project...

Bigbull Ashiana Project (Big Bull Infrastucture Ltd) is fake...
Sunny on


Sir Your company is being highly reputed finance co. After ...
Hitesh Joshi on

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Training,Delhi,Mumbai,Pune,Goa,India

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Builder told to compensate flat buyers for delivery delay

BANGALORE: The Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commi...
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Facebook admits year-long data breach exposed 6 million users

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Forum orders builder to pay 80k to complainant

MARGAO: The South Goa district consumer disputes redressal forum ...
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MTS Mblaze

Debajyoti Nath on 2013-07-23

Hi, My name is Debajyoti Nath, and I am using MTS Mblaze more than 1.5 year. My Account Number is: 223000040977 (West Bengal). Previously, the due date was 22nd of every month ans the seller convinced me that this date wont changed. For your information, I always make payment over net and that on 22nd Mid-night. Suddenly, they changed the due date on 20th of every month and now that is 18th of every month, and now they charged Rs.100 as late payment fee, if you miss the due date. My question is firstly, when you people are selling any product, why you serve the wrong information. For only your information, I moved with MTS, because I can pay my due amount by 22nd, now if you changed the due date, then that is now problem for me, because I already set my monthly budget accordingly (normally my billing amount is 1010, including tax and that is fixed). Right now, every month I have to pay Rs.100 extra!!! I tried to speak with MTS billing dept, but its very hard to reach them (phone no# 03366070341). Somehow I reached one lady, and she behaved very bad, not only that, they don't have any supervisor to deal these issue. However, after explaining everything to her, she suggested me to DISCONTINUE the connection, how much shameless they are!!! Even, she threatened me that I will get the letter from court if I did not pay my late payment charge. I would request you to please take care of these issues urgently. As an old customer, I would like to continue MTS service, if you people please fix this "due date" issue. Thanks, Debajyoti Nath MTS No# 9143085010

gv on 2013-09-03



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